Thank you to everyone who has applied for the Waterloo Road Trainee Scheme. We have [...]
We love to follow the careers of former @screen_mcr trainees and today we are delighted to read about [...]
Applications have now closed for this opportunity. Thank you to all who applied. A member [...]
“I love helping to tell important stories. I believe that TV Productions offer a way [...]
Introducing Charles Abbott who is one of the first young Film and TV Industry professionals [...]
In early 2022 Rope Ladder Fiction and Wall to Wall are establishing a major Production [...]
Screen Alliance North (a new BFI Skills Cluster, led by Screen Manchester, Screen Yorkshire, Liverpool Film Office, and North [...]
Screen Yorkshire, Liverpool Film Office, Screen Manchester and North East Screen are announcing today that [...]
Paid 6 months placements pave way for next generation of craft talent in TV drama [...]
As we approach the end of 2021 at Screen Manchester, Space Studios Manchester and The Sharp [...]
Screen Manchester is currently building a crew and facilities database that will allow access to the City [...]
At the end of a challenging year for the Film and Television Industry there comes [...]
A definite highlight on the viewing calendar for many of us this autumn will be [...]
If you think you see somewhere familiar when you are watching new drama LIFE on BBC One then [...]
Story from I Love Manchester by Susan Griffin | 10 February , 2020 The NQ is standing in for [...]
Story from Manchester Evening News by Vickie Scullard | 15 August 2019 There must be [...]
Story from I Love Manchester by Susan Griffin | 18 December, 2019 The new series [...]
Screen Manchester, the Film Office for Manchester, enjoys busiest year to date. The eagerly anticipated [...]